NauticalHub® - Best Custom Nautical Clothing & Accessories
Refund & Returns
Return and Refund
We care about our customers and want to deliver the orders as fast as possible. In some cases - mostly due to the local postal services - orders can be lost or stuck. If you did not receive your order within 4 weeks from the date of shipping we will usually resend your order after we have investigated the case.
As the Products are manufactured in a personalised way on the Customer's Order, consequently TEEZILY does not hold any stock, the Customers are informed that they will not be able, on the other hand, to withdraw their Order/Pre-order at the end of the Campaign Period and until 5 pm on the last day of the Campaign Period, due to the opening hours of TEEZILY's customer service department (from Monday to Thursday from 9.30 am to 6.30 pm and on Friday until 5.30 pm). TEEZILY draws the customer's attention to the fact that persuant to article L. 121-21-8 of the code of consumption, they cannot have a right of retractation before the date of manufacture of the products of the campaign in which they participate, i.e. the date of the end of the period of the campaign since the principle of the teezily service consists in not having any product in stock. All the products are made to order personalized in size and covered with the design chosen by the customer at the time of his order or pre-order. Personalized products at the request of each customer can therefore be neither returned nor exchanged.
If the Customer wishes to withdraw within the time limit set, i.e. before the end of the Campaign Period, he must do so by signing and carefully filling in the Withdrawal Form provided here and by sending it exclusively by email to TEEZILY at the following address:
[email protected] and on the last day of the Campaign until 5 pm. The TEEZILY company will send him an acknowledgement of receipt of his withdrawal by electronic message to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer during his Pre-order or Order. Any withdrawal occurring outside the conditions specified here and/or beyond the above-mentioned deadlines cannot be taken into account.